The orange one and the blue two

We were arguing about who would speak first either the orange one or the blue two for there speech to convince there mum to see who could get there own puppy. There mum green three said you should do a raffle to see who can go first, the more jobs you do the raffle tickets you get.the  orange one did every thing he could to go first persuading green 3 there mum. Finally today is the day  that the  raffle is on both orange one and blue 2 were so nervous when it was time. In the end the orange one spoke first.

The balloon

It is clear the balloons are not scary. They are gentle and sweet, balloons will not Hurt you.

Balloons will never ever hurt you.


Balloons are fun to play with they are not scary one itsy bitsy bit. Have you ever kicked a balloon or even touched one? Well I have and they are not sharp or pocky so how can they be scary.


Balloons are colourful and not scary, they can be brown , baby blue and pink. No not any colour is frightening or scary they are just colours sweet innocent colours.


In conclusion, it is obvious that balloons are clearly positively not scary.